Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee

10 March 2022


Work Programme Report


1.0          Purpose of Report

1.1          The committee has agreed the attached work programme (Appendix 1).


1.2          The report gives members the opportunity to be updated on work programme items and review the shape of the work ahead.


2.0          Background

2.1          The scope of this committee is defined as ‘The needs of vulnerable adults and older people and people whose independence needs to be supported by intervention from the public or voluntary sector”.


3.0          Scheduled Committee dates/Mid-Cycle Briefing dates

Committee meetings

·       Thursday 23 June 2022 at 10am

·       Thursday 22 September 2022 at 10am

·       Thursday 1 December 2022 at 10am

·       Thursday 2 March 2023 at 10am

Mid cycle briefing dates

·       Thursday 29 July 2022 at 10am

·       Thursday 27 October 2022 at 10am

·       Thursday 2 February 2023 at 10am

3.1          Your group spokespersons have looked at the topics the committee has added to its work programme over recent meetings. They were mindful that following the May elections, there will be new faces and (probably) increased numbers round the table. The attached shows the revamped list of items they now suggest be recommended to the new committee


3.2          In coming up with this proposal, Group Spokespersons had in mind that planning for each item should have a strong overview perspective to help new members grasp the broader context. As Covid pressures change, affecting “business as usual” and service development activity, the suggested timing of items will inevitably need to be revised.


4.0          Recommendations

4.1          The committee is recommended to consider the attached work programme and determine whether any further amendments should be made at this stage.




County Hall,



Author and Presenter of Report: Ray Busby

Contact Details: Tel: 01609 532655 E-mail:


2 March 2021